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Japan celebrates Mission Innovation’s 5-year anniversary


To respond to the Paris agreement adopted at COP21 in 2015, Japan joined MI in June 2016 to accelerate the R&D of innovative technologies for drastically reducing GHG emissions in the long-term.

In April 2016, Japan has established a new national strategy, the “National Energy and Environment Innovation Strategy towards 2050 (NESTI2050)”. Under this strategy, Japan will identify such promising technologies as next-generation batteries and technologies related to hydrogen and will focus on conducting R&Ds on these technologies.

In June 2019, Japan has formulated the “Long-Term Strategy under the Paris Agreement” as Growth Strategy, and submitted it to the United Nations.

In January 2020, Japan has successfully formulated the “Environment Innovation Strategy” based on the growth strategy for establishing innovative technologies that enable the reduction of global GHG emissions toward carbon neutrality and further reduction of the accumulated atmospheric CO2 level “Beyond Zero” by 2050. The strategy consists of the “Innovation Actions Plans”, “Acceleration Plans” and “Zero-Emission Initiatives”.

In October 2020, Japan announced a policy which aims for the realization of a carbon-neutral, decarbonized society by 2050.

The above efforts are in line with the objective of MI.

Japan continues to contribute to MI by participating in IC3, IC5, and IC8 which enable us to utilize the identified technological development.

Since joining in 2016, Japan has reached the doubling commitment for public sector R&D investment aims to solve various issues in today’s society including global warming.

Japan will continue to support MI and seek an opportunity to contribute towards the second phase of MI activities.